Spay & Neuter Services


Please read the following fully before calling or filling out an application for an appointment!

Spay & Neuter Clinics

Where They’re Held:
We hold three clinics a month at the Finger Lakes SPCA of Central New York located at 41 York St, Auburn, NY 13021. 

Who Qualifies:
The clinics are open to low-income individuals, rescues, feral and barn cats. Low-income individuals are those who currently receive public assistance in the form of Medicaid, food stamps, HEAP assistance, temporary housing assistance, and SSI.

To Make an Appointment:
You must have an appointment for the clinic. There is a waiting list for our clinics with a few spots available for emergencies. Please plan ahead as it may take two months or more to get you on the schedule. See below for our application.


All animals going through our clinic must be vaccinated for rabies. If your animal has already received a vaccine, we will need to see a copy of the rabies vaccination certificate when you drop the animal off at the clinic.

Distemper is highly recommended. 

Vaccines are only available at the time of spay or neuter surgery appointments.


  • Male cats - Neuter surgery : $80

  • Female cats - Spay surgery: $100

  • Male dogs - Neuter surgery: $110

  • Female dogs - Spay surgery: $130

    Out of county: $10.00 additional cost

  • Rabies vaccine - $15.00

  • Distemper vaccine - $15.00

  • FIV/Feline Leukemia test - $25.00

  • Heartworm Testing- $25.00

  • Flea Treatment - $15.00

  • Earmite Treatment - $3.00

  • Microchip - $10.00 See New Offer Below!

For A Limited Time Only!
Receive a FREE microchip now through December 31st when you sign up through our low cost program.
Made possible through the generosity of Goulds Water Technology | A Xylem Brand

Possible extra costs may be incurred with the following conditions ($10 or more per condition):  pregnancy, cryptorchid (testicles haven't fully descended), hernia, in heat, antibiotics, extremely overweight animals.

We will notify you of any extra charges when we call you to pick up your animal. These costs will be due when you pick them up.


A $20.00 non-refundable hold fee is required once your application has been approved. If we do not receive the hold fee within 30 days of application acceptance, your application will be rejected. This $20.00 hold fee will be applied to your overall spay and neuter cost. This charge can be paid via credit card, debit, cash or check and must be made prior to the appointment either by phone or in person at the shelter. Due to the amount of applications we receive, we need to implement this hold-fee policy.

The remaining cost is due the morning of drop-off. 

We now accept debit or credit cards as the main and preferred form of payment, and we provide a self service checkout. Cash or check is also accepted.

Fill out an Application

To apply for spay & neuter services please click the link, and fill out the application:

You will receive an email once your application has been reviewed with further instructions.

The Day of the Surgery

Each cat will need to be brought in its own separate and clean hard-sided carrier lined with a blanket or towel (that will be replaced if soiled). Dogs may be brought in on a leash or carrier.

Drop-off times are scheduled for the clinic between 7:00-9:00 am. For the clinic to operate smoothly please ensure you arrive at your scheduled time. Clients should use the red double doors to enter the clinic area.

Pick-up times will vary based on appointment.

The Importance of Spaying and Neutering:
Help stop pet overpopulation by spaying and neutering your pets. With abandoned, stray, sick, and feral animals, it is vitally important to take the steps necessary to relieve these issues. It also has many health benefits for your pet.